The Wilderness Survival Basics is much more than a 'basic' course: You will be learning the fundamentals of outdoor camping and hiking, and gain competence in your ability to go 'out there' and be comfortable in the wild.
Lessons include: Fire-making in difficult conditions; proper shelter construction & placement (including emergency shelters); mapping & aidless navigation; knife safety and usage; back-country hygiene; thermoregulation of the human body; positive impact camping & ethical material harvesting, night hiking, and much more.
This course is designed to increase your skill level and expand your comfort zone in the wilderness while enjoying the beautiful canyonlands and mountains of southern Utah.
This 7-day course offers participants a hands-on experience in wilderness living skills, primitive survival techniques, Traditional crafts and nature awareness.
some of the topics covered in the course: traditional hide tanning, primitive trapping, foraging of wild edibles, natural cooking techniques, fashioning of stone knives, friction fire methods, hunting with primitive tools, and stalking exercises for hunting of small and large game, and more.
Learn to identify and harvest wild edible plants - from the common backyard "weeds" to the wild edibles and medicinal plants in the area. In this workshop will be exploring the magnificent canyonlands in search of the many varieties of plants available for wild foraging, and teach ethical harvesting of herbs in nature.
We will prepare meals with what you gather and make poultices from native herbs you forage for a variety of healing purposes. You will be surprised how many edible (and yummy) plants grow around your house, even if you live in the city!
During this two-day workshop students will learn to slaughter, skin, butcher and cook a medium sized animal (sheep or goat) in a traditional way, using little more than one’s knife.
We will identify all the parts of the animal and learn how to process the muscles, sinew and tendons and organs as well as share some ways to cook the edible parts.
We will process the hide, sinew, bones and hooves to the point where they are ready to be turned into usable tools, clothing, musical instruments or adornments.
Students will have the opportunity to work on these projects including bone tools, sinew and intestine cordage, hoof rattles, hide glue and more. Examples of such items will be available.
Join us on a wild adventure into the heart of the Utah wilderness, carrying little more than the clothes you wear. Learn how to slow down into the heartbeat of the earth, to expand your awareness of the natural world and the gifts it has to offer, to reclaim your native ways of living with the land.
The focus of this course is to let go of some of the stereotypical survival teachings and establish a relationship with the earth through the skills of the Hunter-Gatherer. By treating the earth like our home, we can become more comfortable and let go of the conquering notions that the term “survival” sometimes has associated with it. In the Hunter-Gatherer course, you will acquire the tools necessary for being comfortable walking the wilderness with minimal to no gear, while learning the ancient skills we all once had for living off the land. We will be foraging, trapping and hunting our food with the tools the land offers us, and expanding our awareness of the natural world as well as the Wild Within.
Join us on a wild adventure into the heart of the Utah wilderness, carrying little more than the clothes you wear. Learn how to slow down into the heartbeat of the earth, to expand your awareness of the natural world and the gifts it has to offer, to reclaim your native ways of living with the land.
The focus of this course is to let go of some of the stereotypical survival teachings and establish a relationship with the earth through the skills of the Hunter-Gatherer. By treating the earth like our home, we can become more comfortable and let go of the conquering notions that the term “survival” sometimes has associated with it.
In the Hunter-Gatherer course, you will acquire the tools necessary for being comfortable walking the wilderness with minimal to no gear, while learning the ancient skills we all once had for living off the land. We will be foraging, trapping and hunting our food with the tools the land offers us, and expanding our awareness of the natural world as well as the Wild Within.
The Wilderness Pathfinder is the most comprehensive wilderness living course offered by True Nature, teaching you the skills required to develop a close and lasting connection to our home – Mother Earth.
We will embark on our journey on the new moon and spend the next month in the wilderness, following the moon's cycle to its completion. We will be roaming in the lush alpine forests and deep desert canyons of the stunning Southern Utah Wilderness.
During this comprehensive course you will develop the fundamental skills that are necessary to thrive in a wilderness setting, learn primitive survival & bushcraft methods and traditional tool-making techniques.
Join us for an experiential workshop designed to introduce you to the world of plants and their medicine.
Constance will share the lore of the Wise Woman Tradition, focusing of a few plants that can be found in your garden, back yard and the nearby environment, and to cultivate a relationship with the plants in order to benefit from their healing properties.
Participants will learn ethical and proper plant harvesting techniques, prepare and go home with a healing salve as well as a medicinal tincture (alcohol-free) , using natural, organic materials such as apple-cider vinegar, olive oil and bees wax. This workshop is designed to deepen your awareness and relationship to the world of plants and their healing properties.