“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.” -Masanobu Fukuoka, Founder of the Natural Farming Movement
Growing Food, Growing Community
We believe that, in order to be sustainable, we need to regain control of our food production.
Our first focus is to grow local food for our community, using natural farming (Permaculture & organic practices).
We have set a goal for ourselves to produce all our food within 7 years, with the intention of moving towards economical independence through community interdependence.
Permaculture & Natural Farming
Permaculture is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability and resilience of natural ecosystems.
It is the harmonious integration of the landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way.
Without permanent agriculture and the honoring of our interdependent relationship with all that sustains us, there is no possibility of a stable social order and the budding of intact, land-rooted culture.
Natural Building & Renewable Energy
We are committed to using the local vernacular & resources to build our homes and community, by choosing natural, non-toxic structures of various techniques (such as load-bearing straw-bale structures, sand-bag construction & adobe homes), and using local materials available to us on the land.
We are currently designing a broad-scale rainwater harvesting and graywater recycling system in order to minimize the use of surface and underground irrigation water, control soil erosion, and create a wildlife haven.
We are striving to produce our own energy using viable technologies such as bio-gas & next-generation solar energy, in addition to our existing solar-energy system.